Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rummage Sale!

It has been a long time since Her House has been in the public eye.

Two years since God gave us the green light to pursue this ministry. Two years seems like a long time, but it has gone by in a flash. It still feels like yesterday that our team took a step of faith and said, “yes” and God put us on a path to start this ministry. 

If you asked me (Chelsea) back in 2012 when you thought this ministry would be up-and-running, I would have told you by 2013. I laugh at that now! How little (when I say little, I really mean none) I knew of starting an organization. All I knew is this: God will use you the most when you have nothing to give. Why? Because then all the glory is His. It really is that simple.

I would love to tell you that everything has been super easy, wonderful, and perfect, but I would be a big liar if I said any of that. Don’t get me wrong, some moments have been super easy, and wonderful and pretty close to perfect, but there have been some moments that have been extremely difficult. A lot of doubt, uncertainty, refining, mistakes, regrets, pride.

Moments of “Should we still even be doing this?” 

Can I tell you that I hate that? I hate admitting that to you. 

My pride is wanting you to know that I have this under control but that is SO wrong. I have absolutely NO control over any of this, none of us women do. God is in ultimate control of this ministry. If He wants it to succeed, He will make it happen, not us.

God has a way of gently leading a proud heart into a state of being lowly and needing a Savior that only can be done in times of perseverance and dependence on Him.

Can I tell you something else, though?

Can I tell you how gracious God has been to us? 

How he has blessed us in ways that have brought us to tears? How when we have felt at our lowest he has sent gifts in unique ways that have made our hearts burst with renewing love for this ministry. How he has blessed our faithfulness in meeting every month and working towards opening this home to love on these mamas and babies. How he has placed people in our path who have helped us in areas where we have been lacking in knowledge. How he already knows what we will do right, what we will do wrong and is still proud of his daughters? What love!

We still have so much work to do, but I can promise you that we are getting closer. Whether that be next year (that will always be my answer if you ask me ;) ) or ten years from now. 

We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that God has asked us to serve our community through a few avenues of ministry that we can’t wait to tell you more about, soon! We will be doing that with the funds that we have and plan on raising. We will serve however we can until we have a house filled with sweet mamas and babies.

That is where you come in. 

Two years ago we hosted a HUGE rummage sale and raised thousands of dollars! We plan on doing that again at the end of this summer, on August 15th! We are asking for any items that you no longer want that we can sell! 

Seriously, we want it all, no matter how weird it is. 

All the proceeds will go directly to Her House. It will be tax-deductible.

Since I know you already are wanting to give us your stuff and are wondering where to take it, we are asking that you drop it off at CrossRoads Christian Church in Danville during office hours 8-4, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. If you are unable to do that, please contact us and we will work something out!

I hope that after reading this blog, that you still continue to support Her House. We need your prayers now more than ever. Thank you for believing in us and supporting us even when we were silent. God is with us and will see this through.

Genesis 28:15  “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have down what I have promised you.”

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