Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Little Bit About Cheryl

Hi, my name is Cheryl Thornsbrough .  For as long as I can remember I have had two "heart visions" for my life.  The first was at the age 24. I was a volunteer at a Baptist church in Iowa.  My responsibilities included  overseeing the Nursery and the writing of special articles for the church newsletter.  It was during this time God placed it on my heart that "someday" I would be "on staff" at a church working for Him.  The second was in 1994.  Again, God came close and placed on my heart a burden and a vision to minister to those who are displaced  & homeless.  To the "forgotten or Invisible" people we pass by each day without seeing their true need.

In May of 2013 I met with Chelsea Wagner and Ashton Greer.  Now , I'm going to date myself here, but there is a classic movie, "Ann of Green Gables". (a must see for any woman). In the movie  Ann speaks to her friend and says these four words, "We are kindred spirits."  I knew that day in May I had met "kindred spirits." Our passion and heart desire was the same,  to serve God and to follow His leading wherever it takes us.  You see I didn't know these two women of God until they walked into my office on that Thursday afternoon. I didn't know their vision but God did.  I didn't know God had placed on their hearts to  minister to homeless pregnant women, to provide them shelter and to love them with the transforming power of  Jesus.  Okay now, hang on this will blow your mind, it did mine.  What Chelsea and Ashton didn't know  is early in 2012 I was made aware of a  house and property that was to be given away.  The vision at that time was a transitional shelter to minister to women pregnant and homeless. I know! Isn't GOD AWESOME! 

28 years after my first  "heart vision," God placed  me in a position at  CrossRoads Christian Church in Danville, IL.  and for 19 years He has been quietly working behind the scenes developing His plan for my life to minister to the homeless.  All along this journey He has placed me in positions to developed new skills,  allowed me to walk through trails that only He could have pulled me through and shown His Power and Glory in my life in miraculous ways that at times are indescribable.

As I sit here writing this for the blog, my heart is bursting with love for my God .  At times it's very hard for me to contain my excitement as this "New God Adventure" begins with Her House.  I serve a God that spoke and this world was created.   I know He is speaking now, building Her House.  My prayer is He will  always find me with child like faith,  trusting in Him.  To God be the glory.

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